REVIEW: Grand Okan Hotel, Alanya, Turkey

Checking out the Grand Okan Hotel in Alanya.

During my recent trip to Alanya, I checked into one of the region’s most popular hotels – the Grand Okan.

I’m a firm believer that a luxury is nothing without good service. The most expensive meal can taste quite bland when there is no passion from the people serving it. Some of the best hotels in the world suffer from their stiff, impersonal ways. It makes me wonder: how difficult is it to provide warm customer service (are you listening Barcelo Solymar?)?

Grand Okan Hotel, Alanya
Grand Okan Hotel, Alanya

I checked into the Grand Okan Hotel in Alanya well after midnight. I was tired from travelling and suffering from a bit of a cold. Thankfully, I was welcomed by Amanda – the hotel’s incredibly friendly general manager. From Britain originally, she moved to Turkey over 15 years ago and lives and breathes the culture. Full of stories, charm and infectious warmth, she oversees a happy workforce who go out of their way to meet customers’ needs. It’s no wonder loyal holidaymakers return year after year.

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Photos Of Alanya, Turkey – Inspiration For First Time Visitors

View overlooking Alanya

These photos of Alanya in Turkey will give you a flavour of what to expect on your trip!

From Jeep safaris up winding mountain roads, venturing into beautiful caves, jumping off pirate galleons in the Mediterranean Sea and chasing sunsets, to witnessing traditional village life, sampling the best in Turkish cuisine and meeting some of the friendliest people on the planet. We really packed a lot into three days.

Dim Cave
Lake in Dim Cave Alanya

My first visit to Turkey was in April this year.

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The Perfect 24 Hours In Istanbul, Turkey

Wanderlust Chloe Istanbul

Eating fish sandwiches on Galata Bridge and haggling in the Grand Bazaar… most guide books will describe these as unmissable experiences. But there’s plenty more to Istanbul. Here is my guide to the perfect 24 hours in an incredible city!

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The Colourful Revolution of Istanbul’s Rainbow Steps

Wanderlust Chloe Rainbow Steps Istanbul 06

There’s a beautiful story behind Istanbul’s Rainbow Steps, guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

Some pre-trip research on Istanbul in Turkey, brought up some very colourful photos on Instagram. They were of the so-called ‘Rainbow Steps’ linking the arty districts of Findikli and Cihangir.

Rainbow Steps, Istanbul, Turkey
Rainbow Steps, Istanbul, Turkey

They reminded me of the Lapa Steps in Rio… another magical set of stairs that brought tourists to an otherwise overlooked area.

Wanderlust Chloe Lapa Steps, Rio
Sitting on Lapa Steps, Rio De Janeiro

So, what’s the story? Are they highlighting LGBT issues? Something political? Or are they just a bit of fun?

In 2013, retired forestry engineer Huseyin Cetinel spent four days and around £500 transforming the huge staircase, from concrete grey, to beautiful rainbow colours. It was a kind of guerrilla street art project. No one expected it, but everyone fell in love with it.

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