Time to chart the evolution of Wanderlust Chloe the travel blog, to Wanderlust Chloe the business. And yep, I’ll be diving into a few of the all-important numbers, and giving you a few tips too!
It’s fair to say this blog has evolved over the last few years. For better, for worse, it’s gone from a lovely little passion project to errr, a full-time job. While I’ve never sat down and laid out any kind of business plan, I wanted to share a little of how I’ve transformed my travel blog into a business.
If you search for info on topics like this, you’ll find posts with titles like ‘make money travelling’ which, years ago, I would have thought were scams or get rich quick schemes! Surely you can’t enjoy one of life’s biggest perks (travelling) AND earn a decent living?
It turns out, you can.
There are other posts with steps on how to become a blogger, but very few reveal any of the numbers. I know it’s a bit of a taboo, but I’ve often thought that a little more transparency in this industry would be beneficial.
First up, a bit of background on how I ended up where I am today, then it’s onto some number crunching and tips!
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